Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, August 19, 2011

2nd OB Ultrasound

I can't help but get emotional when I think of everything we've gone through, and how far we've come.  The doc was emotional yesterday too, as she hugged me good-bye and said she'd give me a call about every three months to see how things were progressing.  She feels confident that all will go well based on what she has seen so far.  Our little "lima bean" now measures 2.2 cm and we heard 165 heartbeats per minute. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

We have a heartbeat!

"116 Beats Per Minute," the doc said with a smile.  She explained that everything looks just as it should, and that there is no reason why this should be considered a high risk preganancy.  I started crying.  Even if I'm not high risk, I know I 'm going to be high maintenance.  I remember the joy and the smiles we had at our last "first OB".  This time there were tears of fear accompanied by a cautious optimism.  She said it's now time to find a local doctor.  I'm really scared about that because I was very unhappy with the last one I chose.  I've been asking around, but the problem is that you don't know until you've been there, and by that time you've had all your records transferred and it seems your "stuck".  I'll have one more appointment with my RE in 2 weeks before I have to make my decision. 

In the meantime, I'm back to work.  There's no "keeping stress levels low" when you get students in a couple of days and you have no classroom yet!  Morning meetings are followed by time to prepare our rooms, and I just sit in the corner and read.  There's not much else for me to do...