Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day #2

Yesterday's blood draw went fine. I don't know what happened with yesterday morning's shot--I thought I had gotten over that anxiety and such, but it was just as bad as the first time. I'm glad it was only that once. I was worried about beginning the fertility drugs, as in previous cycles some of the medication was very painful going in. Last night my husband gave me my first doses of Follistim & Menopur along with another shot of Heparin, and it went so smoothly I hardly felt anything. I do have some slight bruising, though. I also had my first baseline ultrasound to look at my ovaries and all seemed fine at this point. I'm feeling very positive today.
At today's acupuncture appointment, though, I seemed to be much more tender in the spots she needled. She told me that was normal now that I had started meds. I even screamed a couple of times! It all settled down after a moments though, and I was able to rest.
A little later I'm headed over to get my yearly haircut. For the last two years I've only done a bit of trimming, so it's now long enough to donate 12 inches to Locks of Love. Maybe, just maybe, by giving a little of myself, the forces of the universe will give a little back to me.

1 comment:

  1. I found that as I went on with my pregnancy this time around that the acupuncture started to hurt just slightly more. *hugs*
