Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Every morning after my heparin shot I hold a kleenex over it for several minutes until it stops bleeding. Well, I've discovered that just because it has stopped doesn't mean it's done. I must've snagged the scab when I put on my jeans yesterday, because as I was sitting on the patio at Starbucks sipping on a cold drink with a friend, I noticed a growing stain on my thigh. Ugh! New jeans too! On top of that, I got sunburned. Our lovely aloe plant lost an arm last night to quench the thirst of my lobster-colored skin.

Cycle Day #9: Blood draw this morning. Ultrasound later today. Soon I'll see how many little follicles are growing inside of me. I can feel a heaviness in my ovaries, so I'm guessing there are a lot! More later.

1 comment:

  1. hoping for a great update. Grow follies grow!! Where are you injecting the Heparin? I do daily Lovenox (same thing) by my stomach and don't usually bleed, but every once and awhile.
