Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, July 15, 2010


"You're ready," is what the doctor told me yesterday. My estradiol is at 1492, and my endometrium is at 10mm. Of my 13 follicles on the right, the four biggest ones measure 24, 22, 21, & 19mm. "Those are big!" he told me. But not too big, he assured. We still can't see the ones on the left, but with 4 that large it's time to extract. I had to set my alarm for 12:15am for the "trigger shot" of Ovidrel. Ovidrel's job is to help in the last step of maturation before going in to pull all the little guys out. In the meantime, no more shots for a couple of days!

So Friday's the day. IVs, oxygen masks, anesthesia...not at all looking forward to that part. Any mature eggs will be directly injected with my husband's sperm and allowed to develop for three days. The hope is to get as many viable embryos as possible so we can put a couple back into my uterus and freeze the others for future attempts at pregnancy. If we don't get a lot of embryos, though, hopefully we'll get at least one of high quality that snuggles itself into my lining and stays there for the next 9 months...

1 comment:

  1. thinking of you and sending good vibes your way for tomorrow *hugs*
